the magnum opus from B.R. Chopra, had stirred many an Indian’s life back in the
day; I included. As a 7-year-old, I remember sitting glued to the TV set every
Sunday morning, along with my family, and watching the epic drama unfold its
various chapters. There were myriad characters in the series that touched our
hearts, but for my mother it was the woman essaying the role of Draupadi who
was the most impressive. “Do you know she is a Bengali?” she would tell me
excitedly, “And look at her face! It’s so radiant and glowing!” I would
generally ignore those comments and continue with the tele-serial.
The series
ended long back and I moved on with my life. Now, politics was never my area of
interest but two major factors changed that. First was observing the meteoric
rise of the Narendra Modi in Gujarat and watching him subsequently take the
chair as the Prime Minister of India. It gave me new hope and belief that
something good will at long last happen in my country. Second, being a
Kolkatan, while I was growing up, I witnessed the Communist Party of India (Marxist)-led
government take Bengal to very low levels. It was quite disheartening to see the
dreary state Bengal had come to. And then came the rise of the Mamata Benrjee
led Trinamool Congress (TMC) and the further downfall of Bengal. Over the last three
and a half years, as a citizen and a journalist, I have been appalled,
frustrated and absolutely dejected to notice the pitiable levels my state has
sunk to.
Then, a few
weeks back, I read an article in a local newspaper where a leading Bengali
actress had vehemently voiced her protest against the shambolic political state
of affairs in Bengal. I was pleasantly surprised as celebrities generally refrain
from taking any political stance in our country. About two weeks after this I
got an even better news. The said actress had formally joined the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) in Bengal – the main opposition party in the state presently. With
this news, there was some hope in the air that something good might finally
happen here. The journalist in me got excited and I began hunting her down for
an interview. After about ten days of incessant pestering I finally got her to
give me time for an interview at her home - in South Kolkata - last week. As I
waited nervously in her study, my mind went back to the days of ‘Mahabharata’
once more. And, as if almost on Mr. B.R. Chopra’s cue, ‘Draupadi’ walked in.
Roopa Ganguly is a known and reputed name in Kolkata. She has close to 25 years of acting experience and is also known to have done some social work at the grassroots level. Presently, clad in a crisp yellow sari, she enquires about the theme of the interview. As I begin explaining her, I notice that the radiance and the glow in her face remain intact; even after 25 long years.
Roopa Ganguly is a known and reputed name in Kolkata. She has close to 25 years of acting experience and is also known to have done some social work at the grassroots level. Presently, clad in a crisp yellow sari, she enquires about the theme of the interview. As I begin explaining her, I notice that the radiance and the glow in her face remain intact; even after 25 long years.
Over the
course of the next two hours, I asked her all the questions that I wanted to –
more as a citizen of the state than as a journalist. Suffice to say I was left
satisfied and hopeful for a better tomorrow at the end of it. I sincerely hope that
others from my state feel the same.
Excerpts from the
Q. You have been really active in
your first few days in politics. You met the governor and you also visited
Birbhum to meet the woman who was allegedly tortured by the police. So how have
the first few days in the world of politics been like?
Roopa Ganguly: I was prepared; for this hectic and tough life from a very
long time. I always knew that nothing comes easy in life. As for politics, I
knew that if I wanted to bring in change in Bengal (through the BJP), it will
not be easy. The kind of situation we are in. The administration that we have
currently in our state, things will be tough. But I am willing to fight it out.
As I said, nothing in life comes easy. Since the time I have come in politics,
I have been running around from one place to the other. It has been tough. Not
just for me, but for all my party workers. It has been taxing and has caused us
a lot of strain. But ultimately, I want to do something good for my state.
Q. How have friends and family
reacted to this decision of yours?
Roopa Ganguly: Well, my mother wasn’t very happy. Many
years ago, I had got offers from different political parties to join politics.
I hadn’t done so and my mother was satisfied with that. She had told me that I
am not politician material and would not be able to survive here. She felt that
I am too straight a talker to sustain in this field. I had agreed then. But
things have changed now and I have taken this decision.
Even today,
I know that I am not much aware of our history. I fall short as far as
political knowledge is concerned. However, I have a sincere dedication to
learn. When I came into the film industry I was a novice. I was given an
opportunity and I learned. Here too, I intend to do the same. I have conviction
to work at the grassroots level and am confident I will pull it off.
Q. How politically motivated were you
before you joined the BJP?
Roopa Ganguly: See, I wasn’t ever keenly interested
as such in active politics. But I am a person who is pretty aware of her
surroundings. I knew what was happening all these years and I knew where CPM
was going wrong. I blame them primarily for not taking care of the education in
the state. Education is a key thing for the development of any state and it is where
CPM has failed miserably. And that is why our children from the state today are
going haywire.
TMC meanwhile, when they were in the opposition, were very good. But now that they
have come to power, they have disintegrated. They have made people believe that
if you come into politics, you will get easy money. Their motto perhaps is:
‘Since we cannot create enough job opportunities for you, so come and join
politics’. TMC is perhaps forgetting that they have to leave even their own
children in this state. What will happen to them?
Politics is
not about glamour, it is about responsibility. Unfortunately, politics has now
become a dirty word in our state among the common citizens. We need to change
that. And that is what has motivated me to take this plunge.
Q. You had said that you had got the
invitation to join the BJP about a year back. What prompted you to take the
decision now?
Roopa Ganguly: It is governance that is most important
in today’s Bengal; good governance. And Mr. Narendra Modi talks about good
governance. He has been able to convince people to love and respect their work.
He has inspired many Indians, including me. Meanwhile, people are losing
self-respect in Bengal. And hence, I decided to take this step. Under Mr.
Modi’s leadership, I and my party members are confident and hopeful of changing
Bengal’s scenario.
Q. What would be the immediate areas that you
would like to focus your efforts on if you get the opportunity?
Roopa Ganguly: If I ever get any chance to do
anything for the state, I would like to focus on agriculture, environment,
education, health, among others. We have to ensure that prevention of diseases is
taken care of very efficiently and effectively. There is so much work to do in
our state really.
Q. People of Bengal are beginning to
give up on the state; especially because of its twisted politics. At this time you had
said that you want to ‘redefine’ politics in Bengal. Can you please elaborate

And development doesn’t mean unnecessary splurging of
money for so-called beautification that is being done now. That is a joke. That
is fooling people to show them that you are doing something, while you are
actually not. What we need is structured planning and spending money on things
that will be beneficial to people like better roads, more public toilets,
better health facilities and the likes.
Q. BJP’s poll campaign in Bengal has
largely focused on the Saradha scam and the Burdawan blasts. But there are
plenty more areas that can be highlighted here like the state of roads,
transport, education and jobs, among other things. Would you personally like to
change that and focus on other agendas as well now?
Roopa Ganguly: See, the Shardha scam and the Burdwan
blasts are such major issues that they have taken the full concentration of the
opposition party. They cannot be ignored. I hence cannot really blame them. So
many people have lost money in massive proportions in the Saradha scam and thus
have lost faith. Many families have been torn apart because of this. There was
this organization - the Justice Shyamal Sen Commision (set up by the Bengal
state government) - which was supposed to enquire into the Shardha scam. But
unfortunately, this commission too turned out to be a scam. People were misled
grossly by it again.
And as for
the BJP, our election process hasn’t really started as of yet. We will most definitely
focus our attention on all the areas that the state is suffering in
Q. You keep visiting different states
for your professional work. Can you give us a little glimpse to the way the
rest of the country is viewing Bengal these days?
Roopa Ganguly: It’s very sad and embarrassing
really. I had gone to Delhi recently for some work. I had to meet this person
in his office. The first thing he said to me was, “Bengal! It’s a ‘cholbe na!
cholbe na! hobe na! korbo na!’ wala state.” I found it very humiliating.
As far as
the film industry is concerned, not too many people want to come and shoot here
in Bengal; because of anarchy, because of indiscipline and because people have
learnt not to work here. This is the culture that has been created by various
political parties over the decades here. And TMC is making matters worse. They,
as I mentioned earlier, are making people believe that you can earn money
without working and by just joining politics.
But I am
very hopeful that if BJP comes to power in Bengal, under Narendra Modi’s
governance, people will get to see a positive side of the state. Bengal wasn’t
like this all the time. We will bring it back to its former glory. This anarchy
cannot and will not continue forever.
Q. You have done a fair bit of social
work at the grassroots level in Bengal; especially in providing basic health
care. Can you elaborate a bit on that?
Roopa Ganguly: I won’t say I have done a lot of
work. It is peanuts as compared to what needs to be done. I need to do more
work really. But I will share some of what I have done with you.
I run an NGO
named Foundation for Innovation in Health. Our partner is John Hopkins
University from USA. We work on the health sector by providing innovative
health care equipments and treatments at low costs. We have a special skills
training school (in Siuri – a small town in Birbhum, West Bengal) where we
train young girls from different rural areas. After about six months of
training these girls then return to their respective villages and serve the
local people there. We have made kiosks at these places, where the girls do
their work from. Moreover, we have doctors sitting in Kolkata, who, through the
internet, provide their inputs as well.
The health care
facilities in these rural areas are appalling. These poor people have to travel
for six hours from their villages to Kolkata to get a simple blood test done!
Things need to change drastically. I am, with the help of my team, trying to do
that. Hopefully, we will extend these services throughout Bengal very soon.
Q. There have been quite a few actors
who have taken to politics in Bengal over the past few years. People’s
experience with them hasn’t been too great. You are a reputed actor. Do you
fear that turning to politics might tar your image as well? Are you confident
that you will be able to carry both of your professions tactfully now?
Roopa Ganguly: See, I am an actor and need to work
to sustain my living. I can’t stop doing that. But I am not greedy. I look to
work for about 2-3 films in a year and that is enough for me. Even though I get
many offers, I decline them. I need more of my personal time as well you know. Be
it social work or be it my political work, I need time for that. Plus, I like
my free time. I like to be with my birds and trees and be satisfied from
inside. That is very essential for me at a personal level.
And as for
the second part of the question, I don’t think I need to assure anybody
anything. When I had joined the acting profession, nobody knew me. But slowly,
over the years, I have won the confidence of people and the industry through my
work. I have worked for 25 years now and if I wasn’t good enough, people would
have forgotten me isn’t it? In politics
too, I will let my work do the talking. If I am not efficient enough, my party and
the people will throw me out.
Q. The minority card is something
that the TMC very shrewdly plays with. It is something that the common man in
Bengal is really concerned with. What are your views on it?
Roopa Ganguly: (Thinks for a moment) I believe in one thing-
do not divide your people in the name of religion. If there is one thing that
you should feel good about it is the country. We are Indians first and then
whatever our religion is. To be honest, I don’t understand all this ‘minority’
business. You should not divide or appease any group of people by saying they
should get more benefits or what not. Every Indian will get whatever he/she
deserves on the basis of their ability. There should be no ‘isms’ in our
country. To play political games in the name of religion is very unfortunate. It’s
very sad. You are actually dividing the
country and it is just not fair.
Q. Where do you see yourself 5 years
from now; both on a personal and professional level?
Roopa Ganguly: I am a happy and positive person and
will always remain so. I am a no-nonsense person and will lead my life that way
forever. I have never harmed or cheated anyone till date. And be it 5 years or
10; both in my profession and personal level, I will always remain the same.
Q. The last one. Draupadi was one of your
career-defining roles. It will be 25 years this year since Mahabharata completed
its run. How do you look back at that journey today?
Roopa Ganguly: Mahabharata was always a beautiful experience. I look back at
it very fondly. It was mainly because of the Chopras. They treated me like
their own daughter and never let me feel out of place from day one. I have some
beautiful memories of those days and will always cherish them. If somebody
calls me a Draupadi today, I feel very proud. I feel happy and good that I have
done at least one good work for which people remember me even after 25 years. I
was lucky that I got to play that role and be a part of such a wonderful
set-up. Those memories and experiences will always stay with me.
(Photos courtesy: Sumanta Chanda - Independent Filmmaker)