I have these
dreams. These recurring dreams. Fascinating they are I tell you. In them, I (or
a very young version of me to be precise) am walking through a deserted school corridor;
looking in wonder at the glass almirahs near me. Why in wonder you ask? Because
those gleaming cases have books in them! Books of all kind – comics, classics, children
books et al. Books of all shapes and sizes. And what’s more, there is not a soul around me. Just me and those books.
They are
nice dreams really. The kinds which you don’t want to wake up from.
Unfortunately, you have to.
These dreams
have, for some reason, started appearing more frequently of late. Almost always
they follow the same pattern. The same old corridors. The same almirahs. The
same stacks of books. Sometimes these dreams feel so eerily real; as if I am
right there; feeling the pages of those books, inhaling their smell and surrendering myself to their magic.
Perhaps there
is a reason to all this. Perhaps it is to remind me that this was the place
where my love for books began. Those library periods, in more ways than one, stoked the passion for books in me.
I remember
that as a child, I used to eye the books on the shelves of those almirahs quite
greedily. And this was even before I had started reading books properly. Those
days, we didn’t have any library periods; we were considered too young for it. Hence,
I would longingly ache to hold the books inside those shelves as I would pass
them every day along the corridors of my school. The books would be neatly
arranged inside the shiny glass shelves; enticing me to open and read them. I
did not get that opportunity for quite some time.

Ever since
that, every Saturday would be my best day in school. Often the wait for the
last period of Saturday would make me absolutely restless and anxious. Throughout
the week, I would peer at the closed shelves of the almirah and try and see
what new titles had been added to it. This was the first time I was introduced
to the world of Tinkle, Amar Chitra Katha, Tintin, Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, R.L.
Stevenson and myriad other trove of gems. That these library periods fell on the
last class of the week made them extra special. The pressure and tension of the
entire week would be at its end by then and a beautiful Sunday would be eagerly
awaited. I remember taking my precious selection of books and feeling
absolutely elated about it. I would often browse through them during the way
back home in the school bus even amidst the crazy din around me. The thought
that I would get to read the books before I went to sleep, for as long as I
wanted to, and have no stress about the next day, is a feeling that is hard to put
into words. It is something which I yearn to feel and experience again.
There was an
incident during this phase which sort of epitomizes my love for the library
classes. It happened whilst I was in the 3rd standard and remains,
to this date, an indelible memory.
On one of
the Mondays, while entering the classroom, I, out of habit, looked over at the
library cabinet. My eyes immediately fell on a particular book; hardbound, sparkling
yellow in color and bearing the title ‘Stories
from the Panchatantra’. The front cover of the book featured a monkey and a
crocodile; the monkey atop a tree looking down at the crocodile, half-immersed
in a lake, with a mischievous smile. Something stirred inside me as I looked at
the book. Something told me that I really, really wanted it. I immediately went
up to my best friend, Saket, and informed him about my desire to get hold of
that book. Throughout that week, all that was on my mind was the book. I would
keep talking about it during lunch breaks, inside the school bus and even at
home to my mother. I would think about it before going to sleep
and during classes; picturizing myself holding the book and leafing through its
contents with utter glee. The book had totally consumed me.
At long
last, Saturday came. I waited restlessly for all the periods to end; they were
just a blur that day. And then, the moment finally arrived. The almirah was
opened and several of the books were laid out on the front desk; including the
one I had been eyeing. We were given books sequence wise then; each student was
called out by their roll-number and was then allowed to choose the book of their
liking. My roll number was 3 and I was sitting on the second bench from the front. As the student before me was called out, I stood
up; not being able to contain my excitement anymore. Saket, meanwhile, was
rubbing my shoulders; egging me on. My eyes fixed on the book, I suddenly
noticed that Ankan, the student before me, picked it up. He looked at it for a
brief moment and then went to the teacher to get it approved. It felt as though
someone had snuffed out my lungs. I dropped down on my chair, not knowing what
to do. And before I knew it, I burst out crying. I bawled like a baby whose
candy had been forcibly taken away from him. Everyone turned at me, shocked at
what was happening. Saket, probably stunned himself, explained to the teacher
the reason of my outburst while I quietly sobbed with my head down. The teacher
then – God bless her – requested Ankan to let me have the book. He just
shrugged and then handed it over to me. Shaken and stirred and still sniffing
quietly, I finally held the coveted book in my hands. I did not care then that
the entire class was snickering behind my back. I did not care what the consequences
of this incident were likely to be among my friends. All I cared about then was
that book in my hands. The book that I had waited the entire week for. That
night, before going to sleep, I kept the book near my bedside after having gone
through a couple of delightful chapters in it. I also woke up in the middle of
the night quite a few times, just to check if the monkey and the crocodile were
still there, and if all of this was not just a dream.
When I look
back at this episode, I do feel a tad embarrassed at times and laugh at my
silliness. But that particular feeling, which I felt during that week, has
never really left me. In the years that followed, my love for library classes
steadily grew. It blossomed and matured but the passion and excitement for them
never dimmed. One book after the other found special place in my heart and I discovered
umpteen wonderful gems to treasure.
In our secondary
section, we had a proper library room. It was quite sizable and filled with
innumerable books of varied kind. Titles like Goosebumps, Animorphs, Harry
Potter, Hardy Boys, Archies, and authors like Willard Price, Michael Crichton, and Charles
Dickens, among a host of others, were uncovered here. I remember sitting right at
the corner of the library room, and reading my books quietly while my classmates
– all annoying little pricks now – deriding me for wasting my time and not
joining in on the frolic with them in the only ‘free period’ they had. But I ignored
them. I just loved my special corner; and till the end of my school days I ensured
that it remained solely mine.
When I
passed out from school, there were plenty of things that I missed: my friends,
many teachers, and the oodles of fun moments I had there. But perhaps, without even
realizing it, the one thing that I missed the most about school was those library
periods. After school, I felt a tad lost when it came to books. I had no
particular place to go to where I could just sit and relax and be surrounded
with that incomparable smell of books; new and old.
Today, I get
books easily. By the tips of my fingers, I have ordered countless of books over
the last few years. Despite that, though, something is missing. The charm of
getting the books from the shelves of my school’s library and reading them at night
at home is irreplaceable. The craze of waiting for the library periods
through the week and the thrill I experienced while looking at the sea of books
in front of me is something which I will, sadly, never feel again. Those library
periods will, hence, constitute an integral portion of my life, of my precious
memories, which are now deeply embedded in my soul. They encompass such a
massive and paramount part of my childhood that I have never been able to let
them go. And that, perhaps, is the reason that they still reach out to me, in
different ways. I hope they always do.
I am glad
that I wrote this down. It helped me siphon off some of the feelings that had
been brewing inside me of late. Tonight, I will go to sleep in peace. In the hope that I
will meet those library books in my dreams again. And who knows, when I wake up
in the middle of the night one of these days, I will still find a gleaming
yellow book near my bedside; a monkey and a crocodile smiling up at me from it.