Facebook or
FB as they call it, is something which makes up a significant part of our lives in
today’s times; there is no denying that fact. However, what I suddenly found intriguing
after that incident was to notice how different people react and behave differently on FB. Immediately
in my mind’s eye I tried to classify different Facebook users according to the
way they behave and the way I perceive them in general. I call them the
‘Facebook-Wallas’. Please do not take anything personally though, this is just an attempt to be humorous. Let us have a closer look:
The Lover: The most prominent and the most dominated
list in my view. The world is collapsing around you, there are terrorists right
outside your window, India is at war, but wait a minute; they don’t give a
rat's fart about it. They want to love and spread the message of love. LOVE, LOVE LOVE and
some more LOVE. They share love quotes via pics or status updates. While that
is fine to digest to an extent but what makes the brains go mad is when people
start sharing details of their love lives on FB. Someone is in love, someone is
heartbroken, someone is feeling cheated or someone is trying to woo their love.
Oh hell they just want to Love…LOVE, LOVE and some more LOVE. “I still miss her smile”, “I wish he would
understand”, “You make me feel special”, “Oh God, I have butterflies in my
stomach”- are some of the samples which I have to endure daily. I just yell- “PLEASE SPARE ME.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SPARE ME.” But they
don’t listen to you, all they say is- LOVE, LOVE LOVE and some more LOVE.
The VVIPs: Or
I can also bracket them as the self- appointed superstars. “Ramesh was with
Suresh at the Dhaba”, “Sanjay was with Aman at the Airport, “Going for dinner
with my friends”, “Just bought a new pair of converse shoes”, or worse still,
“Watching movie with Mahesh,” while Mahesh types, “Enjoying the film with
Kamlesh”, “Now eating Chole bhature,”. Okay, now really. What is happening to
people? Every single, miniscule, insignificant detail of your life is
being poured out through Facebook. Someone badly needs to tell them- 'We don't
give a f***'.
I guess these days some scenes at a restaurant between friends must be like this: X- “Ahh my dinner has arrived, boy am I hungry.” Y- “Don’t touch it, let me take a pic of this. Have to post this right now.” X- “But I am hungry, please let me eat.” Y- “F*** your hunger, this has to be posted fresh, now move aside, I want a good view”.
I guess these days some scenes at a restaurant between friends must be like this: X- “Ahh my dinner has arrived, boy am I hungry.” Y- “Don’t touch it, let me take a pic of this. Have to post this right now.” X- “But I am hungry, please let me eat.” Y- “F*** your hunger, this has to be posted fresh, now move aside, I want a good view”.
There is a
sub-division to these VVIPs as well; people who take it upon themselves to
inform the world about when the sun rises and when night falls : “Good Morning
friends”, “Good night buddies.” I wish Facebook would type back, “Just go to
sleep asshole.”
The ‘Liker’: Very large in numbers I tell you, but not very harmful
either. They are mostly offline, and just stay around all day to snoop and lurk
into people’s posts and other updates and 'like' them without even bothering to
see if it is worth it. These people must be operating somewhat like this: Open FB, scroll down
the homepage, see all the statuses and then go- Like, Like,Like, Like…. ,
then type “Hehehe’”, “ROFL” on certain posts and say “Ahh, job done for the
The Gamer: Another class which are gigantic in numbers.
While I do not have any issues with
people spending entire days on playing ‘Farmville’ or whatever other
‘ville’ there is; the problem arises when people become generous and start
sending game requests. I have really lost count of the umpteen number of people
I have blocked from sending me these preposterously idiotic game requests, but
they still somehow survive and live to send another ‘request’. I wish there was
a constitutional law against this; where I can file a complaint against people
who send me these requests. But then again who knows, the judge might not
listen to my case properly as he might be too busy sending another game request
to a friend. Lord help the world.
The Promoter: These people are what I call shameless. ‘Events’
are created and then shamelessly sent to everybody on the ‘Friends list’. And then
if you unfortunately, out of courtesy, accept the event then you are done for.
They will keep notifying you about the event and bombard you with its details in
the hope that you are forced to attend it out of sheer frustration. Then there
are others who create ‘pages’ and ask you to share and promote it. “Pls pls.
Like my page”, “Pls promote my page,” and some other such comments will keep
pricking you until you actually do it. It gets downright embarrassing sometimes
when people keep messaging you even in your inbox: “Bro, Don’t forget to like
my page”. I say to myself, “Where are the terrorists when you need them.”
The Tagger: Ahem. This one includes myself. But then again, I always tag
people with my write-ups; in the hope that it reaches them. (I also request you
today through this post, that after you have read my posts kindly do ‘untag' yourselves). However, what is horribly irritating is when people keep tagging at
the drop of the hat on any picture or post they feel like. I find it bizarre when
people even take pictures of themselves and then tag people; and these are
embarrassing I tell you. People who look almost in a drunken state go on to tag
people and then ask, “Guys, how do I look?” There is a bloke in my list who
keeps doing this every day and once I found him displaying a picture of his
slashed wrists to everyone with pride! The levels some people stoop to nowadays to
grab some eyeballs! Sometimes I really feel
I should have taken a licensed gun, if you know what I mean.
“Why dear, what’s wrong?”
“Can’t tell
you here”
“I am fed up
of my life.”
“Kyu, kya
hua dear?”
“Can’t tell
you here,”
Okay, so why
the f!@# did you write this in any case? Closely related to ‘The Lover', this
breed is dangerously large in proportions. See the above pic for a perfect example of these psychos. They think that they are the saddest
and the most aggrieved people in the world. And even if you do not care, you
will have to read their drivel in front of your eyes. They even go the extent
of typing sad songs on their wall or of course copy-pasting sad love quotes
which are massive in number or keep posting emotional love songs and pictures.
There is just no end to these people’s barrage of emotional downpour. “Oh look
I am sad, please give me some attention and pamper me,” is what they actually
mean. I keep my temper in check every time I see these posts; but they still somehow get to me. As I write this I see another such post:
“I still miss the look of
your eyes,”
I look for my gun.
“Love is blind, love is life. I am unlucky in
I load the bullets in my gun.
“I wish the pain would go away,”

then there is a barrage of endless garble like “If you want to fight the cause
against cancer, then like this pic”, “If you think that animals should not be
dealt cruelly, then like this pic. One like means a thousand animals saved,”, “If
you think this poor man deserves food, then click like,” Hmm.. I wonder what it
must it must be like to be a real activist, like many I know who are on the
ground, fighting to make our society better. They do not even have the time
to open a Facebook account. Tsk. Tsk.
However, I have a vivid imagination and thus I tried to visualize how these 'Facebook Social-activists' might actually be like, here is a sample:
However, I have a vivid imagination and thus I tried to visualize how these 'Facebook Social-activists' might actually be like, here is a sample:
“Ahh. This
picture looks good. The child looks pretty malnutrition-ed and the picture of
this beaten up cat is a cinch to get me a hundred likes,” he smiles to himself.
As the last morsel of the potato chips drops out from his lips, he farts, then
goes on to post these pictures and awaits the feedback. “5 likes and 3 comments in 10 minutes!!..
coooool”. My good deed for the day is done, he thinks to himself and farts some
more in sheer pleasure of his success. “Now where is that porn site I had
bookmarked? Time for some real action.” Ta-dah… !!
I agree I
might have sounded a little too harsh or maybe even over the top, but then that
is what I intended to do, for I feel we
take Facebook a little too seriously at times. We let it consume our lives by making us ignore the simpler and genuine pleasures of life like actually
enjoying the movie or food before trying to 'share' it with the world. Tender
emotions are supposed to be felt and not talked about every time; a dear friend
of mine had taught me that albeit indirectly. Enjoy your life, but not at the
cost of making it a news bulletin.
Now I will
take your leave and ponder over a new topic to write on. Meanwhile you may also add
some more titles to the above classifications I have made. It shall be
And before you close this page, err.. don’t forget to ‘like’ and ‘share’
this post on your Facebook wall will you?